I have seen so many bloggers that were reading this book that my curiosity made me buy this book at Target yesterday. It was in the young adult section but I bought it and didn't even read the description of the book, so I had no idea what is was about. I started reading it last night and I am about half way through this almost 500 page book! There are 3 more books in this saga, so I will probably have my nose in a book for the next month!
Hello world!
5 months ago
we both got caught up! I bought it last night, but I started reading at about 11:30, so I only got through the first chapter before i conked out....so far, so good!
I definitely am going to have to get this book!
I got number 4 today! I can't wait to start reading it!!
I have heard wonderful things about her books too. I need to check them out.
My daughter LOVES these books, but I'll admit that I have yet to read them. She made me check one out from the library, but it wasn't the first and I knew Papa was bringing some. We STILL don't have the first one though. ARGH! So now I have to wait until the library opens on the 19th of August!
I read all three of them in 5 days - couldnt put them down - just need to get to store to get the 4th one !!!!
Loved it and the second one too! I read them both in about 5 days. I am going to pick up #3 sometime this week.
I have been wanting to read it,too. I have seen a lot of people online reading it and saying how good the series is! :)
i am working on number 2
i think i might have to give in and actually start reading! the last thing i read was a genetics book. needless to say, that turned me off about reading for quite some time!!!
I have heard so much about this book..I must pick it up. I am a reader to and I can't wait to check it out. I have never read anything by her I don't think....
I have finished all four and thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them! Happy Reading!
I love Twilight saga. ^^
Ah ha ! you caught the bug ! Im on Eclispse and have my copy of Breaking Dawn already ! Impossible to put down, right ?!?!?!
Love Edward !!
Jenn :)
I read the first 3 in 5 days too..lol..like Amy above..i went to the borders midnight party and got my book breaking Dawn then and had finished it the next day! I hope they bring out more..i know the writer is in the middle of writing twilight from Edwards view. I read the first chapter...check out her site
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