This layout was created for my Kits and Pieces 8 week challenge. This is week four's challenge, to use non scrapbook items to complete a layout. I used screen, foil tape and that dohicky that I put the brads through from Home Depot. The index card, tag and clips are from Office Depot. I spray painted the screen white, it comes in black. The foil tape is a lot shinier than it appears in the photo.
Logen came up the with title for this page. He loves to play in my supplies. He picked up a bottle of ink and ask what it was, I told him it was a dabber. He then said that he wanted to dabble. So he is dabbling in these pictures!
3 days ago
I LOVE this one! It's too cute when they want to play too. My 3 year old LOVES my scissors and will just sit and cut with all the different scissors while I do anything crafty.
OMG..what an absolutely fantastic layout. Your use of non-traditional items is great.
This is fantastic! WOW! I love it!
Sorry to hear that your daughter was so sick. I hope she's doing better now. Have a great weekend.
Cute layout! It reminds me when I got into this hobby and we would shop at the home improvement stores for our supplies. I'm starting to think those were the days when it was funnier to scrap. Your layout is really creative.
Sorry to read about your daughter, hopefully she is on the mend now.
Awesome layout Liz! love it! hey even though you did not get a chance due to your daughter going into the hospital to activate your membership at 2 Sassy scrappers they want to give me credit anyways. What id did you sign up under. Thanks! Hope she is doing much better! Off to the birthday celebration!
Oh how sweet! I can't wait till my little one wants to dabble with my supplies.
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