I will be out of town until Sunday, I am going to Arkanas to help my family clear out somethings from my husband's late grandmother's home. She had lived there for over 60 years before she passed away and I don't think she ever threw anything away. This will be a chore going through years of stuff.
I have a challenge due on Sunday that I have the components together but still have to put them together. I hope I can get it done Sunday, here's a peek at it:
3 days ago
Oh, my goodness! I hope it goes smoothly & will keep you in my thoughts!
I'll have that same job for my dad's house and he literally doesn't throw anything away - but he's still alive so I can't just go digging through his house now;).
Hope it all goes well!
I hope you trip goes well. I know it is hard work and emotional going through a loved ones home.
Have a nice trip! It will be emotional I'm sure, but interesting to go through all that history...can't wait to see your layout!
It will be an emotional, exhausting, chore for sure. You will most certainly find treasures that will stir up some great stories (I LOVE those old stories!)
Have a safe trip*!*
Best wishes on your trip to Arkansas and the task at hand... I'll be thinking about you and hoping all is well...
What a tease you are with this partial layout! It looks like it is going to be worth the wait for the full view!
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