Update on the update....whatever!!! Now Kits & Pieces is saying that unless you voted for 3 people...1st, 2nd and 3rd then the votes don't count. If you want vote again fine but please don't feel obligated, they changed the rules or got their wires crossed! I will pick someone for the RAK from those who have voted anyway.
If you are registered at Kits and Pieces please vote my Week 7 Layout in the challenge. If you are not registered please do and then vote for me. Leave me a comment after you vote and will draw a random name to RAK. This is the layout to vote for. You will need to go to the message board and then to the post under Contests, Challenges, Jen is the moderator and you will have to pm her with your vote. Just send her a message saying you want to vote for: 1st place-scrappycatz-I Love Me and then vote for someone for 2nd and 3rd. I know that it is a lot of trouble, but I promise I will have a scrappy goodie worth the trouble!
Kits and Pieces has a great message board and I have been in this 8 week challenge from the start, I am 5 points off the lead so I really need your help! Thank you all for your support.
3 days ago
Hi Lisa
I voted for you... that was hard to follow!
It's a very nice layout!
Patty 2832
This is *ADORABLE* Lisa!! Now off to try and figure out the voting! :)
this is fantastic, going over there now to register and vote for you.
I voted for you Lisa!!
Ok, Lisa. That was like a scavenger hunt lol. Another vote!
I voted for 3 people so my vote will count!!!
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