Does my house have a sign out front that says WELCOME ALL STRAY CATS? This one started showing up at night and Kristin fed her. Well that was a week ago and now she's here to stay. I tried to find out where she belonged, she is not wild so I know she belonged to someone, but I don't think she wants to go home. Last night we named her and once they have a name I know that I'm attached! So welcome to the family Trixie!
I am soon going to be referred to as "that" weird lady down the street with all the cats! (you know the one!)
I hope to have something scrappy tomorrow. I have been in a bit of funk this weekend and unmotivated to do anything creative.
3 days ago
Trixie is adorable! We can't have cats because DH is allergic to them.
Hi - wish another cat would come past here looking for a home LOL - I love cats but am only allowed one real one LOL
Ps: been reading all the posts about getting work area organised - some great tips there - my dining table looks like your desk did, 'cause I have run out of room in my "little" work corner LOL
Debbie M
I'm a dog person, but even I think this cat is very cute! Weird cat lady! That's funny!!
Welcome Trixie! You have officially made Lisa the crazy cat lady:).
You do know Trixie is going to spread the word of a home with good food and love and more will come. lol
Nope that is my TITLE LOLOLOL
I just got the 8th one spayed..:o)
this is caterville.. HAHAHAHA
You crack me up. That's is awesome that you have such a loving home ;)
Lisa I rest my case..HAHAHHAHA
I do NOt think u have to sign In..this is one of my Precious Strays.;o)
Great name!! Trixie has found herself a good home with you.
Trixie is a cutie!!! I think I am that cat lady...
All of our cats, find us or just show up and never leave. Our second one snuck into the garage and then into the basement and came up one morning. He wanted to stay.
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