This album is for my Uncle's 60th birthday using pictures from his surprise party. I wanted something that looked manly and I found this cool license plate album at Archivers, the brand is Creative Imaginations. The album is an odd size 4 1/4 by 7 1/2, but it has 16 pages (32 using front and back) so it will hold a lot of pictures.
I want to make the album funny so I am looking for humorous quotes, if you have any ideas leave me a comment.
The journaling on the left hand side of this page says Grandkids are God's reward for not killing your children!
3 days ago
Here are a few I found in my ultimate guide to perfect words
So many candles ... so much heat
Birthdays are good for you; the more you have the longer you live
your not old your chronologically gifted
a birthday is just the first day of another 365 day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!!!
Hope this helps
Thanks Amy those are great!
Love it*!*
That lay out on the previous post is adorable you ever rest?
I love that license plate album! That is awesome!
Such a nice idea. I'm so reluctant to do gifts for people because I don't know how they will go over. Even that acrylic piece that I made for Pamela's friend, the kid didn't even say thank you or show it to her mom. Maybe I expect too much.
That is a darling album - really cute!
Have a good day - Kellan
BTW - there is a site called that takes quotes from us bloggers - there might be something there that is fun. Kellan
I found these searching..
1. Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened.
2. Looking fifty is great - if you’re sixty.
3. Be kind to your kids, they'll choose your nursing home one day.
4. I had to take this one off a little Worried about this one..LOLOLOL
5. Sixty! Now is the time to make your mark on the world – explore the Antarctic or become an astronaut. Make your mind up to take on exciting new challenges - straight after your afternoon nap
6. Your sixties is the stage in your life when you become mature, reliable and dependable. In other words, boring, predictable and conventional
7. Don’t give up enthusiasm for life just because you’ve reached the grand age of sixty. Do something outrageous and crazy – take up fly tying or stamp collecting.
You can search the Internet for funny quotes! I love this album! What an awesome gift!
Love this album.,,and everybody's quotes are fantastic.
great album. now i know what to do with those license plates i have!
loved those quotes too. laughing my head off.
scrapbook-crazy - mini scrapbook blog
make a mini album
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